Capitol Arts Center

Plumas Arts Gets a New Sign

New Sign
Plumas Arts announces a new addition to
Quincy's Main Street.
New Sign
New Sign
In the morning hours of Monday, June 9th
John Wooller and Barney Harchis, with assistance from
Bob Forcino, installed the new Plumas Arts bullet sign at 525 Main Street
New Sign
The metal and plexi-glass sign was made by Lassen County Artist Ron McBride based on a design of the sign that hung in it's place for the Capitol Club in the 1970s.

"We were not sure who worked locally that could recreate the sign in metal," explains Roxanne Valladao, Executive Director of Plumas Arts, "then serendipity… When Ron (McBride) was the featured artist in our gallery we found out that he was also the owner of LASCO, a sign making business in Susanville. Our new bullet sign is definitely a work of art."

McBride's life sized wildlife metal sculptures are currently featured in Reno at the Liberty Fine Art Gallery next door to the Nevada Museum of Art as well as in his shop at 80 North Roop Street in Susanville. You can also check out his web site at

To find out you can help this cultural community improvement effort with a tax deductible donation cash donation or time contact Plumas Arts at 283-3402 or email [email protected]
