Plumas Arts cultivating culture & community
Artist Reception September 28
Opening September 28th at the Capitol Arts Gallery and hanging through October 27th…

"Watershed" by Chris Bolton, in his own words… 

Having the attention span of a puppy, I find it best to work within self-imposed parameters. Traditionally I have settled on an idea and then required myself to create a minimum of 12 variations, exploring lateral avenues to assure myself that I have, indeed, beaten the idea to death. Beyond that I also like to contain my desires with a series of other limitations and, since I have always considered myself a landscape artist, this invariably includes geography. I prefer to work close in because a landscape doesn't need to include a mountain and a cloud to convey a sense of place.

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For this gaggle of works I chose the Spanish Creek drainage - one of my life's own back yards.

So this is a hodge-podge of images, fleeting memories and the finer offerings of mother earth, bounded, more or less, by upper Meadow Valley and American Valley from Silver Creek down the watercourses to around Oakland Camp.

 As a further confine, every piece in this show contains a little physical something from that aspect of the cartographer's notes, and several of the pieces were created using only materials that were gathered along that limited waterway.

I collected and refined local clays to make those objects, and tethered them together using everything from stovepipe rust and cattail cordage to adhesives made from pine pitch and ashes or the odd boiled bits. Rocks, twigs, pine needles… the usual suspects…

 As I said, I am a landscape painter.

Chris Bolton has come up with a unique prize drawing to benefit Plumas Arts.

As part of his exhibition "Watershed" which hangs at the Capitol Arts Gallery from September 28th to October 27th, Bolton is offering a prize Drawing for a "Fish of the Month" art print. The lucky winner will initially receive the first framed print. Each subsequent month for 12 months a new print will be mailed to the winner replace the previous month's artwork.

Chances are $10 and even if you do not win, you have made a tax-deductibele donation to Plumas Arts or as Bolton's calls it-- the "artsy council." - Buy tickets online

Micaela Rubalcava, mother of three and professor of education at Truckee Meadows Community College, lives in Quincy where she makes art in her kitchen. She became an artist over the last decade when she was required to obtain an art teaching credential while working at Quincy High School during a leave of absence from TMCC.

Michaela gets excited by her inspirations. She started painting oil sunflowers and still paints sunflowers each year when her Quincy garden gets jungly in September. Then she painted a series of mandalas, featuring nature in the centerpieces, such as snowflakes and flowers, exploring the concepts of interbeing, impermanence, and emptiness. She then made paper Bodhisattva figurines out of shredded office waste.


Continuing the recycling theme, Micaela next worked with chalk on used paper bags, depicting daffodils, tangerines, and organic vegetables. Then, featured in this Plumas Arts October 2012 show, Micaela moved to circular Asian-inspired meditations of ecological life. She made prints of fish, frogs, lotus, quetzals, and chameleons from recycled materials.

The image of a chameleon came to her in a dream, representing flexibility and adaptation along the healing path. Also featured in this show, she made recycled prints on discarded poster boards from student science fair presentations. She sewed the cut poster board prints into patchwork quilts, featuring gold figurines she saw in the Jade Museum in San Jose, Costa Rica. The ancient figurines depict whimsical angels and baby animals. Micaela used Quincy dirt to paint color on many of the prints for this show.
